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不受保國家及地區名單 (更新於2024年7月) |
List of Restricted Countries and Regions (Updated in July 2024) |
阿富汗 | Afghanistan |
阿爾及利亞 | Algeria |
波斯尼亞和黑塞哥維那 | Bosnia-Herzegovina |
布隆迪 | Burundi |
中非共和國 | Central African Republic |
剛果 | Congo-Kinshasa |
克里米亞 | Crimea |
古巴 | Cuba |
埃塞俄比亞 | Ethiopia |
海地 | Haiti |
伊朗 | Iran |
伊拉克 | Iraq |
以色列 | Israel |
科特迪瓦 | Ivory Coast |
肯尼亞 | Kenya |
科索沃 | Kosovo |
黎巴嫩 | Lebanon |
利比里亞 | Liberia |
利比亞 | Libya |
緬甸 | Myanmar |
北韓 | North Korea |
北馬其頓 | North Macedonia |
巴基斯坦 | Pakistan |
巴勒斯坦 | Palestine |
俄羅斯 | Russia |
索馬里 | Somalia |
南蘇丹 | South Sudan |
蘇丹 | Sudan |
敘利亞 | Syria |
突尼斯 | Tunisia |
土庫曼斯坦 | Turkmenistan |
烏克蘭 | Ukraine |
烏兹別克斯坦 | Uzbekistan |
也門 | Yemen |
津巴布韋 | Zimbabwe |
本公司已就有關情況知會澳門金融管理局及澳門司法警察局。任何客戶或公眾人士若曾或懷疑曾向可疑第三方提供個人信息 / 財務資料,應立即向澳門司法警察局報案求助。
如有垂詢,請於辦公時間內致電2855 5078與本公司客戶服務主任聯絡。
Macau Insurance Company Limited (“MIC”) has become aware that recently fraudsters have issued a phishing SMS, pretending it to be from MIC. The phishing SMS requests customers or members of the public to click on a weblink which directs to a fraudulent website in order to obtain personal and financial information.
MIC hereby confirms and advises that the phishing SMS, third-party weblink and fraudulent website have NO CONNECTION WITH MIC. MIC shall not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by or in connection with any relevant phishing SMS, third-party weblink and fraudulent website, etc.
MIC has implemented robust security measures, and wishes to remind our customers and the public of the following:
MIC has reported the case to Monetary Authority of Macao and the Judiciary Police. Any customer or member of the public who has provided, or suspects that he or she has provided their personal / financial information to any suspicious third-party should immediately report to the Judiciary Police.
In case of any query, please contact us at 2855 5078 during office hour.
Macau Insurance Company Limited